Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 4 - Dystonia and Exercise

I've written about exercise before on this blog, but I'm going to write about it again.

I never in a million years thought I would be one to talk about exercise and it's not because of the dystonia. I just didn't like exercise, so I didn't do it. I don't know why I was so opposed to it. For as long as I've been alive, my dad has always jogged and worked out. Mom would do the exercise videos and my brothers were all in to running or sports. But, I got the "let's sit in front of the TV and eat chocolate" gene in the family and I was proud of that! We all know how much I love TV :)

But then something amazing happened....

I do believe it is a God thing.

I like to look at it like this: my ability to walk without assistance is gone (at least for now!), but I've found freedom and strength in exercise.

What I once loathed, I love now.

Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

I'll tell you, it didn't come overnight, but it came! I may have to walk with a walker, but I can sit on a recumbent bike and exercise. The bike is a blessing. Of all the exercises I could do, I find that the bike is the one that I can do with the least likely chance of me getting hurt while doing it. I'm a klutz to begin with and add dystonia into the mix and I'm a walking (falling) advertisement for a doctor's best friend. I mean, I've even fallen (a lot!) while walking with the walker. It takes talent to do that, people, talent, I say! :) I'd probably keep every emergency room in business if I had to ride outside on a "real" bike or jog or even get on a treadmill. While, this may be a good thing for my brother (who is an ER doctor), I don't particularly want to spend all my time in an ER, so....sitting on a recumbent bike it is! And the best part is - I get to watch TV while doing it! OK, that may not be the best part. I think the best part is the accomplishment I feel when I'm done. The "runner's high" (or should it be biker's high?) I get after a good workout. I even love the sweat that drips from me after I'm done. What has gotten in to me?!! :) So yes, I may have dystonia and I may have to walk with a walker and I may feel defeated some days or frustrated, but I can exercise. God's given me that gift and I'm not about to throw it away. Thank you, Jesus - for when one thing is taken away, You replace it with something else.

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