Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tune-In-Tuesday: January 28, 2020

I'm having major writer's block tonight. I can't come up with anything compelling to say. There's really nothing to update on. Everything's status quo - which is a good thing! The only real update I have is that my (routine) neurology appointment was rescheduled from January 30 to June 9.

My walking has been stable (Haha- maybe I should use a different word here. I mean, stable and walking don't really go together in the same sentence when in reference to my walking. But, again - writer's block!). Some days my walking is good and some days it's not so good, but that's my life. I'm thankful for the ability to get around!

I found this on Facebook this past week and I've been thinking about it ever since, so I thought I'd share it here:

How true a statement!

I really have no clue why I'm having such a hard time writing tonight, but maybe that's God saying, I don't really need to say much at all. So, you get a very short post from me (we can ALL be thankful for that!).

Have a great week everyone and always remember: God's Got This!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tune-In-Tuesday: January 21, 2020

Walking was good last week. I had problems from time to time, but overall it was pretty good. Today, I had more issues. I think it’s the weather, but it could really be anything, so who knows? I was talking with someone this past week and it dawned on me how God has built it in us to compensate when something is out of whack. I don’t choose to walk the way I do, I walk the way I walk because my body automatically reacts and compensates to keep me upright and moving (for the most part).

I compensate in other ways too. I know this is HIGHLY frowned upon by most of my friends (because I read your Facebook posts about it!), but I LOVE when someone doesn’t return their shopping cart to the shopping cart dispensary (is that what it’s called, or did I just make that up?). It means I don’t have to circle the parking lot a million times (looking like a stalker) to get a parking spot by a cart. Contrary to popular belief, the handicap parking spot is not always the best parking spot (and believe me I know, because before I had problems walking, I thought they were prime real estate. Now that I need the spot, I find it’s not always the most handicap accessible spot in the lot). I hardly ever return my shopping cart to its rightful place unless I happened to park right next to the receptacle or I’m having a pretty great day walking and think I can do it without having to hold on to something. There. I admitted it. I’m the worst! Judge away! 😉 But that’s one way in which I compensate.

Another way I compensate is to “text while walking” or basically just look at my phone while walking. I know, another “no, no.” What does this do for me? Well, for one, it “distracts” me enough so that I’m more likely to walk better. I’m not focused on who may be watching me walk. It also gives me an “excuse” for walking slower – because let’s face it – I walk SO SLOW. I shouldn’t care what people think of me (and there are times that I really don’t care), but I get anxious and using a phone just helps me compensate a little more.

I thank God for the many ways He has allowed me to compensate.

Next month, will be 4 years since I’ve had deep brain stimulation surgery. I had three surgeries in three weeks back in 2016. One on Feb 16, one on Feb 23 and the last on Feb 29. I think this year is significant for me because it’s actually Leap Year and it was on Leap Year 2016 that I had my final surgery. I re-read some of my blog posts from back then. I’m SO thankful that I blogged about it because I find them fascinating to re-read. One of the posts that I re-read was one from Dec 4, 2015. It was the night my neurologist called to tell me that the DBS Conference had been held that day. My neurologist brought my case up again (this was the 2nd or 3rd time) to all in attendance and this time, I was approved for DBS. They were all in agreement. First, they all agreed that my case was unique, but then they all agreed that if I was still game, DBS surgery would be the next step. To re-read that post – it felt like it was just yesterday. I remember where I was, what I was doing and everything about that night. If your new to my story or to this blog, feel free to go back and read blogs from my past. You’ll get the whole story. I don’t leave out much. 😉

I hope everyone’s having a blessed week. Thank you for reading and following along on this journey. Always remember, God’s Got This!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tune-In-Tuesday: January 14, 2020

To be honest, I wasn't going to blog tonight. I've been in a funk and I just didn't feel like writing, but after putting it off for a few hours, I decided to go ahead and write anyway. :)

It's been a pretty uneventful week walking-wise and that's a good thing. It doesn't mean I haven't had issues (those are a daily occurrence for the most part) it just means I haven't fallen and things are pretty status quo.

Something happened today that I did find kind of funny. I was walking to my cube at work loaded down with my laptop, purse, lunch bag...and a lady passes me in the hallway and stops. She exclaims, "Oh my gosh! Do you need help?!" I smile and tell her no. She's a new employee and she was so sweet to stop and ask, but up until that point, I thought I had been walking pretty good! I guess it's all perspective, right?

Yesterday morning, I awoke to a nose-bleed. I used to never get nose-bleeds and now I seem to get them all of the time (OK, that might be a slight exaggeration!). Later in the day, I was at my desk at work and got another one. What gives?!

Anyway, I think that's it for this week. Always remember, God's Got This!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tune-In-Tuesday: January 7, 2020

Happy New Year! It's hard to believe we're already 7 days into year 2020. I still have Christmas decorations up, although at the moment my house is in complete disarray because I'm in the process of taking them down. I usually leave Christmas up until Epiphany (which is January 6).

I had a great week last week - still celebrating Christmas and New Year's Day. It's been fun taking some time away from work to celebrate with friends and family. Routine is also good and I'm thankful for it as well. I haven't had any major issues with my walking, but there are moments. They're just that though - moments. I try not to let them define me. That's easier said than done for me, but at least I'm trying.

I went to a store the other day where there were no carts to hold on to until I got into the store. I could (and most of the time do) focus on the fact that it took me forever to get in to the store and forever to get back out to my car and that I probably inconvenienced people as they had to stop (in their cars) to wait until I crossed, however, tonight I'm taking a different approach: I walked in to and out of that store on my own two feet and didn't fall. I made it! I will confess that once i got to my car, I sat there a few minutes watching people walk all over the parking lot with the greatest of ease and I got a little jealous. But, God had me realize how far I've come and that having a little difficulty walking is by no means the worst thing ever. I was reminded TWICE today by two different people of how far I've come. I must have needed to hear that today! :)

I'm a member of a dystonia group on Facebook and the other day they posted an article about how those with dystonia may experience sleep disruptions. I didn't actually read the article, but that headline must have been rolling around in my brain because last night was pretty much sleepless. I don't think it really had anything to do with dystonia, but I was tired last night so I went to bed at 9:30/10 pm. I woke up at 1 am and couldn't fall back asleep for anything. I read my Bible. I thought surely three chapters of Leviticus (NOT Lamentations, which I think I told my dad I was reading. You know, they both start with "L" and are in the Old Testament - ha!) would put me to sleep. It did not. Finally at 2am I got up and started putting away Christmas decorations. I worked up until the time I had to get ready for work. I should be EXHAUSTED by now! I did have a right-after-lunch slump, but I got up from my desk at work and walked around for a few minutes and then was fine. I still have miles to go before all my Christmas decorations are put away, but hopefully tonight I will sleep!

Also with dystonia, repetitive motions trigger spasms. That's why a lot of musicians deal with dystonia and why "writer's cramp" is a dystonia. Putting decorations away, I'm experiencing some repetitive motions which cause my hands to cramp or my legs to feel like jelly. This could also just be a sign that I'm getting old. ;)

I have to say though, that I am still extremely blessed - even when walking is hard. I am able to live a rather normal life. Yeah, I have some issues, but in the scheme of themes, I can do (almost) anything I put my mind to. God has blessed me in SO MANY ways. I have the most awesome job that does not require me to be on my feet or walking all day. I have a home that I love (and that, even though purchased before any of my problems began, also happens to be on one level - God provides!). I have a family and friends who love me for me. And, I have God who protects me always. I'm blessed!

I go back to my neurologist on January 30 for a 6 month check-up.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week to this brand new year and always remember - God's Got This!