Friday, September 13, 2013

Dystonia vs. Estonia

In my last post, I mentioned the name of my blog came from my quest to find out what was causing me so much trouble walking. Well, turns out after 5 years and 5 different hospitals, the "condition" actually does have a name - dystonia. That's D-Y-S-T-O-N-I-A and it's a neurological condition, defined by my ever resourceful friend Wikipedia as "a neurological movement disorder, in which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures." Now, I had never heard of the disorder, nor, it seemed, had anyone else I knew. I've educated myself on dystonia in the years since, however, it still makes me laugh when people say, "I thought that was a country". Well, friends....Estonia is a country :) Dystonia...not so much! You can go to Estonia, but you can have Dystonia. I've never been to Estonia, but maybe I should go, so that I could say, "I have Dystonia and I'm in Estonia". That sounds like something that should be on a T-shirt. There will be much more time for me to post about dystonia, but I probably won't mention Estonia again (unless, that is, I actually do go there). It's just that it's not nearly as interesting or entertaining as Dystonia ;) So now you know the name of what I've got. I don't mind you asking me about it either. Just to let you know, I'm not going to talk constantly about Dystonia on here. It's what I have, it's not who I am. There will be posts about it, but not every post will be about it. On that note, you're going to read all kinds of random things on this blog. So stayed tuned because my next post is going to be all about goats on the roof. Seriously. I'm not joking.

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