Sunday, September 22, 2013

Simply happy

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (KJV)

Here's what I'm rejoicing in today:

I'm ALIVE!!!!!! Have you ever just stopped to thank Jesus that you are alive?! I have! I mean, it's not a given. He brought me into this world and He can take me out! So I'm thankful for another day of life :)

It's SUNDAY!!!! I got to go to church and heard an awesome, God-inspired sermon and got to fellowship with believers. (On a funny note and, I really hope he doesn't mind me saying this, Dad overslept! Yep, even pastors oversleep sometimes. And yes, he did take a shower, brush his teeth and still made it to church on time!)

I got to have lunch with Mom and Dad at their house after church. It was breakfast for lunch and it was really good; but the company and conversation was even better!

I didn't run into any pythons while at Mom and Dad's. Supposedly there's one that got loose and may be in their neighborhood. Umm...who keeps pythons as pets?!!!

I exercised. It still amazes me that I have actually grown to love exercising and that I can actually do it without dying ;)

Mom gave me this shirt as a gift:

It is awesome and of course makes me "happy, happy, happy"!!!

Mom getting me the above T-shirt, makes me think that she and Dad read this blog because I don't think she would have known that I watch Duck Dynasty otherwise :)

I watched America's Funniest Home Videos and it always makes me laugh out loud.

I got these new dishes this past week:
I have Mom to thank for finding them. She actually got some in a golden rod color (or maybe mustard? It's some sort of very pretty yellow!) and I liked them so much, I wanted some for myself (but in the color that fit my kitchen). I love them!!

I'm watching the Emmy's. As stated in an earlier post...I love TV and award shows are right up my alley. Plus all the pretty dresses and who knows, maybe George Clooney ;)

Speaking of's season premiere week!!! Chicago Fire and the Michael J. Fox show are first on my list to watch. I can't wait!!!! Hot guys (hey, I'm not afraid to admit that's why I watch!!) on Chicago Fire and my all-time favorite actor, Michael J. Fox on his new show...what could be better?!

It's officially fall, ya'll!!!

Someone (Sue!) told me at church that she loved reading my blog. Thank you for that!! I'm glad people are actually reading (and thank you to all of those who have told me on FB that you are doing so!)

Now, I must devote my full attention to the Emmy's (because you know, it's very important that I do!) until next time, be blessed and have an awesome first week of fall!

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