Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tune-In-Tuesday: February 4, 2020

This past week has been a mixed bag. I’ve had good walking days and not so good days. I fell this morning. It happened right after I got in the front door at work. I’m not sure if I tripped over the rug or my own two feet (my guess is my own two feet). I’m thankful it wasn’t on concrete or asphalt and that only one person saw me! I skinned my knee, only because the skin there is so thin anyway (from previous falls) that it always breaks if I fall. Other than that, I’m fine. In fact, I’m more than fine, I’m great. I mean, I’m alive. I have family and friends who love me, I have a job that I love. Life is good. Sometimes a fall is just what I need to “reset” myself. It allows me to look inward again and realize all the blessings I have. Today’s verse of the day on my Bible app couldn’t be more appropriate:

I was kind of having a rough day on Sunday, but from Dale to Whitney to my own niece, Hope – I had plenty of help getting around at church. So thank you, one and all who helped! I'll never forget it.

It’s February and that means that later this month it’ll be four years since I had DBS surgery (I had my head shaved on Valentine's Day!). Wow. In some respects, time truly does fly and in other respects, the days are long! But as I told someone this past week; I’d do the surgery over again in a heartbeat. It’s not been the “instant miracle” I wished it was, but life is so much better because of it. God knows what He is doing, so I’m just along for the journey. I trust that His will is perfect. I truly believe that He wants what’s best for me and right now, currently, it’s the constant communication I have with Him. Actually, I know He wants that ALL the time from me. I'm just not always as great at it as I am when I'm having humbling experiences. ;)

You know how some people say, “Oh, if I had a million dollars, that wouldn’t change the real me.”? I’m the opposite of that (just being truthful) and God knows it! I’m the closest to Him when I’m crying out to Him to heal me. So, I don’t mind not being fully healed if it means I’m closer to the Lord. Ah – who am I kidding? I’m striving to not mind not being fully healed if it means I’m closer to God. That’s a more accurate statement. I pray that I can walk without issue and I don’t ever quit praying for the miracle.

God's Got This!

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