Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tune-In-Tuesday: February 18, 2020

It’s been quite a week this past week. I’ve struggled with walking at times.

It occurred to me that I may need to explain something. It’s not because anyone’s said anything, but it just came to my mind, so I’m sharing it here. I have more issues walking in big spaces like parking lots then I do in other areas. My only reasoning for this (that I can come up with) is that in large areas like that, there's nothing I can easily grab a hold of if I felt like I was going to fall. That's why when I'm blogging you almost exclusively hear me talk about having issues with walking in to or out of somewhere. Or I'll talk about falling in a parking lot. BUT, it amazes me how God allows the body to compensate or to “auto correct” itself at times. Our bodies instinctively know what to do to keep us from falling or injuring ourselves. While we may think of things ahead of time, it’s those reactive instincts that allow us to do what we need to do. One of my instincts is to not bend my knee when walking. I don’t set out and say to myself, “Now, don’t bend your knee.” It just instinctively happens. While it’s not ideal and it causes other issues in my body, I’m thankful for the natural ability to (for the most part) keep myself upright and moving from Point A to Point B. It may not be pretty, but it gets the job done.

Four years ago, on February 16, 2016, I began my (surgical) deep brain stimulation journey. I’d begun the process months and months before, but I didn’t start the surgical part until February 16. As I’m typing this, a memory popped into my head. My neurosurgeon, Dr. Konrad told me that the surgeries would be the easy part for me. The hard part for me would start AFTER the surgeries. Boy, was he ever right! Since I have new people reading my blog, I thought I’d include a link to what I wrote about the first of these DBS surgeries. So, here’s what happened four years ago:
1 down, 2 To Go

Back to this past week. I fell again. This time though it was while pushing a grocery cart (in a parking lot - see, I fall in parking lots a lot!). It takes real talent to do that - to fall while holding on to something that’s supposed to prevent me from falling! 😉

Ya’ll Jesus answers prayers – no matter how big or small. He answers them all. On Wednesday, I was having a time. Walking was not coming naturally. I went to church that night as I do every Wednesday. We were having communion so I knew that I'd have to walk up to communion and back to my pew. So, I prayed. I prayed that I would either 1) make it up and back from communion by myself without falling, or 2) If God thought I needed help that he would provide someone to help me. As we were preparing for communion, a friend quietly slipped into the pew I was sitting in ( I was the only one in the pew - it's a lighter attendance on Wednesday nights!). She leaned over and said, “I thought you might like some help getting up to and back from communion.” I turned to her and told her. “You’re the answer to my prayer.” She said to me that she felt a nudging that she should help. That was God. While we were receiving communion, I almost cried. God cares for us. No matter how “trivial” the ask is, He’s got us.

So, while this past week hasn't been stellar, it also has not been horrible. I've seen God's grace written over everything. And how could I not? God's Got This!

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