Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tune-In-Tuesday: February 11. 2020

Has anyone else been a slump because of the weather, or is it just me? It's been raining cats and dogs here lately (in my humble opinion, I'd rather it rain men, but, we can't always get what we want - haha!) and it's been messing with my mood. I need sunshine!!! I know, it's February and it's supposed to be cold and rainy and dreary, but I'm looking forward to the sun shining again! Saturday, it snowed (unexpectedly - at least for me. That'll teach me to pay better attention to weather reports). Since it snowed, I stayed inside and since I stayed inside, I watched TV on DVD that I received for Christmas. I got the first season of New Amsterdam. It's a medical show. One of the episodes I watched dealt with deep brain stimulation. It wasn't for what I have, but anytime I hear "deep brain stimulation", it peaks my interest. I can literally say, I've been through that.

This past week, I also "met" someone else who's had deep brain stimulation done. He had his for a condition called ataxia, not dystonia, but still - I actually talked to someone who has had it done! I only met him over Facebook messenger as he lives in Mississippi (I think!). He's the husband of a cousin of someone I know. Haha - 6 degrees of separation, right?! ;) But it was so refreshing to talk to someone who's experienced the same thing I have. And yes, this is the very first person (in the four years since I've had it done) that I've talked to that has actually had it done. We have a couple of similar things in common: we both were hoping this was an "instant miracle", which it was not - but (speaking for myself) a miracle nonetheless. We both had to have the batteries that operate our DBS systems replaced after two and half years and NOT the five years we were told they would last - haha. I think the similarities end there, but I can't explain how exciting it was to talk to someone who knows went I through. And even though I'm in the media myself, no TV show can (or has) ever depicted it completely right (and really how can they when they're only working with about 45 minutes?!). I'm just glad that it is being talked about. I told the friend that introduced me to her cousin's husband that I will ALWAYS be a proponent of DBS. It's not for everyone and some may argue that I still have problems (which I do), but it has helped me tremendously and I wouldn't bat an eye to do it all over again even knowing it's not the "instant miracle" I was praying for. I love talking to people about it.

As with each week, last week had it's ups and downs, but I didn't fall!! I'm still nursing my wound from the previous week. It's almost like a paper cut. You know how a paper cut can be so tiny, but hurt so bad? This cut is small, but every time I peel the Band-Aid off (or it comes off on it's own), it starts bleeding all over again. I probably shouldn't keep a Band-Aid on, but at least it looks better covered up - haha!

Anyway, I think that's about it for this week. Always remember - God's Got This!

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