Saturday, February 29, 2020

Tune-In-Tuesday (but on a Saturday): February 29, 2020

I didn't update the blog this past Tuesday somewhat because I had a million things going on and ran out of time and somewhat because I knew that February 29 this year fell on a Saturday and I'd have time to blog then. And yet, here it is at 10 pm on February 29 and I'm finally updating.😉 To catch you up, on February 23, 2020, I celebrated the 4th anniversary of my deep brain stimulation surgery. How did I celebrate? I tripped over the vacuum cord and bloodied my knee. I had just taken the band-aid off too. 😊 How appropriate! You think life’s going one way and then God shakes things up a little bit. How in the world has it been 4 years?! If you'd like to read what I wrote about that day 4 years ago, you can do so here: 2nd Surgery It was by far the most unique thing I've ever been through.

Happy Leap Day/Year! This is the first time since having it done that I can recognize/celebrate the anniversary of my last (of 3) surgeries for deep brain stimulation. I didn't have to have 3 surgeries because it was messed up or anything - it's just a 3 surgery process. February 29, 2016 I had the battery for the deep brain stimulation device implanted and all the wires from the device in my brain to the battery connected. The deep brain stimulation wouldn't be turned on until March 29, 2016, but the surgery part of the process was complete with this surgery. It was NOT lost on me that this final surgery was done on LEAP day. I WILL LEAP again!! In some ways it's very hard to believe it's been 4 years. It's not been the "instant" miracle I was praying for, but would I do it all over again? HECK YES!!!

I was out running errands this afternoon and I was WALKING. I was walking without a cane, without a walker, without assistance. While I still struggle, it's nowhere near the struggle I had 4 years ago. I can only say I am beyond blessed.

If you'd like to read what I wrote 4 years ago about the surgery, you can do so here: 3rd Surgery

I am a firm believer that God allows us to struggle so that we don't forget about Him. He has, is and will always be with me in this journey. Thank you, readers, for also following along on this journey with me.

Always remember: God's Got This!

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