Saturday, January 19, 2019

Neurology Appointment

I'm finally forcing myself to sit down and blog about my recent neurology appointment. ;) It was on Thursday (Jan 17) and went well. I haven't had time or wanted to blog until today. I hadn't seen Dr. T. since before my battery replacement surgery in August. Of course he wanted to see me walk. Somehow, I never get out of performing that task whenever I see him. He checked my settings and declared that the battery was definitely strong (thank goodness!). After he checked the settings, he played with some of them. At one point, he asked if I felt anything in my hand. I didn't at that second, but about 20 seconds later my fingers started curling without me doing anything to make them curl and contort. He saw it too and backed off the electricity. To this day, that fascinates me - how the stimulation can be seen like that. Anyway, I told him I'd been having issues and came very, very close to upping the electricity last week, but then decided to wait until I saw him to do anything. After my battery replacement surgery in August, the electricity was set to 3.20 volts. I had major issues right after the surgery with balance and gaining my footing, so I eventually reduced the electricity to 2.90 volts and that's where it's been since then. On Thursday, Dr. T. increased the voltage from 2.90 to 3.10. He had me walk for him again after he did so. He said that he thought it looked like I was walking better. He asked I how felt. He said to be honest. I felt like maybe I was walking a little better. When we got back in the exam room, I said, "but really, can it take effect that fast (on my walking)?" to which Dr. T. burst out laughing and responded, "I forgot I was speaking with a seasoned professional! You're takes about 2 weeks to see any real difference." Haha. I'm a seasoned professional! I thanked him again for taking a chance on me to which he responded that he knew how frustrating it is for me to not be where I want to be. But really, I am thankful for him, for the surgery, for the progress, even in the midst of being frustrated. That's life isn't it? You have to find beauty in the imperfect. The fact is, I'm still walking cane and walker free - no matter how slow or awkward it may be at times.

The plan for now is to stay (if I can stand it) on Frequency A at 3.10 volts. I can try pushing it by 0.1 volts after 1-2 weeks until feeling good. But, if it's not better, I'll switch to Frequency D which vacillates between two frequencies. So far, walking's been harder and more unstable, but that could just be temporary. It could also be the weather - it's been raining almost non-stop every day. My hand is stronger though, so if I can just stick it out, my hope is that the electricity will do its thing. It's not my first rodeo. I know this takes time, which is why I've been hesitant to change the electricity on my own - I strongly dislike being patient and patience is what is needed. So, if you read this post tonight and see me struggling tomorrow, you'll know why. ;)

I also spoke with Dr. T. about the DBS system itself - rehashing what the Medtronic tech told me about the battery when I had it replaced. At that time she said that this new battery won't last as long as the old one because it was being implanted and turned on the same day at a high level of electricity. My first battery was implanted, but not turned on for a month and when it was turned on, it was at the lowest level and was slowly turned up. Dr. T. said that if this battery lasts less than two years, we could talk about getting a rechargeable battery implanted because as he said, "you're too young to be having surgery every two years."

Thursday night, my left shoulder, collarbone and wrist were hurting significantly. After awhile, I finally made the connection that it was because of the electricity. The battery is implanted under my left collarbone. It has been awhile since I've had the electricity adjusted, so I've forgotten about some of the side-effects. Friday morning I had the hardest time "hurrying" to get ready for work or making decisions. That probably has nothing to do with getting the electricity adjusted, but since I had that excuse I used it. I seriously stood in front of my closet for 10 minutes debating on what to wear before finally telling myself, "just pick something!". I changed clothes twice. I eventually made it all the way out to the garage wearing my coat and carrying my computer, purse, lunch, and yoga clothes, but my sweater was scratchy so I was pulling on it, only to realize that I had it on backwards! So I hauled everything back into the house, took my coat off and put my sweater on the right way. Today, I was going to work out on my stationary bike. I got on it and realized I had no shoes on! Again, both of these situations have probably NOTHING to do with the electricity being adjusted, but since that excuse is there, that's what I'm using. I had to laugh at both though.

I know that so many people have so many worse things going on in their lives than I do, but I will admit that I do get frustrated when I can't walk. I know I shouldn't complain about my situation when others are dealing with life and death situations, but I'm human. I get down-in-the-dumps. Truth be told, even though it was a pretty good appointment, I wasn't in the best of moods on Thursday. But then I woke up on Friday and realized again how blessed I truly am. God's Got This!

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