Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Tune-In-Tuesday: April 6, 2021

 It's April! How did that happen so fast (and yet at times seem so slow)?!! I hope all of you had a blessed Easter weekend - I know I did! Easter is my favorite holiday. We celebrated Maundy Thursday. Then came Good Friday (where my dad resorted to old school methods when it came to the "loud noise" we hear representing the closing of the tomb. Unfortunately, technology has not been our friend when it comes to creating this in the past few years. I won't reveal how he created it "old school" but I have heard that those watching online could see, so some may know. But for those that don't know, you have to keep some secrets - haha!!).  On Saturday we had our Easter Fest at church. It was a little different this year due to COVID, but it was still wonderful. Everything was done outside. I had the pleasure of driving the lawnmower train and I had a blast. It's the perfect job for me because I sit the whole time - ha! I mean, of course I can walk and do other jobs, but this one just suites me the best. I drove it for three hours and by the time I got off, it was a little hard to walk, but so worth it!! 

Easter Sunday was magnificent. In my opinion, it's the best day of the year. Jesus rose from the dead! He won!! Easter service at my church was wonderful. Last Easter, we had to watch from home, but this Easter, we were live in-person (and also online for those who still needed to stay home)! It made my heart so happy to be in church celebrating Jesus. After church, my family gathered at my parent's house to eat and celebrate. We also celebrated (early) my niece, Hope's birthday. It was so much fun. My youngest brother and his soon-to-be-wife came in from out of state to celebrate too. The weather turned out to be perfect (in the mid 70's) and the day was lovely. However, I did fall. I wasn't even walking! It takes real talent to do that - ha! I really don't even know what happened, but my guess is that I was turning around and just lost my balance and fell. We were all outside, having just taken pictures and we were all on my parent's drive-way. My brothers tried to catch me, but were too late. I even reached out to my Mom (who was standing beside me), but she was walking away from me when it happened. Of course, I injured myself - haha. It wasn't bad, but I always fall on the same spot (my left knee) and because of that, the skin there is really thin and always ends up bleeding. I also got some road-rash. But, other then that (and my embarrassment!), I'm perfectly fine. It's just life. I fall, I get back up. That's what you do. I might have cried a little too - not because it hurt, but because I get frustrated. Ahh, life!! Anyway, Satan may have wanted to steal my joy and he may have for a minute, but only for a minute. I got back up, cleaned the blood off and carried on.

I've been doing a lot of travelling starting at the end of March and continuing through April to get ready for my brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law's wedding. I've had so much fun. First it was the bachelorette party. The next weekend it was a bridal tea. Then they came for Easter and this coming weekend, Mom and I head back to Alabama for another bridal shower. Their wedding is fast approaching! I'm going to go through withdrawals when I don't get to see them every weekend! 

I have great days when walking is no problem and then I have days where walking is a bit more difficult, but I thank God that my walking is nowhere near as bad as it was before I got the battery switched out. As I said in my last post, I'm giving myself grace and allowing myself to use a cane when need be without shame or embarrassment. I even had a dream last night about a girl (who wasn't me and no one I know in real life) and she was walking around town (OK, in my dream she was walking into a bar - don't judge! I don't know where that came from as I myself never go to bars!) and she was using a cane. Where this dream came from I have no idea, but I distinctly remember her walking into this bar with her date and she was using a cane and it wasn't any big deal. She used it as an accessory. 

This past week has been great (minus the one fall) and I'm so very blessed to be surrounded by family and friends whom I love and who love me. I hope you can say the same. We're all in this life together, so be kind. I'm speaking to myself when I say that too. My problems are a drop in the bucket compared to others' problems. Everyone is dealing with something. I hope all of you have a wonderful week and always remember...God's Got This!

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