Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tune-In-Tuesday: July 30, 2019

Last week I forgot to mention in the blog what level of electricity I am on. Well, I didn’t actually forget, but when I went to go turn on the remote to the DBS device it needed new batteries and I was too lazy to change them at the time – ha! But, for the record, Dr. T. upped the electricity to 3.60 on Frequency A. Whew – now that that’s out of the way…the past week was pretty good! I took a couple of days off of work as family from up north was down to celebrate (twice!) my grandmother’s 93rd birthday. I went boating and tubing and swimming (floating) in the lake and I think I now know several different ways to get to Norris and back. It was fun. Work was also great.

By the way, thank you for all the notes and compliments on my last post. I really had no idea it would be that popular – haha. But, again thank for reading and responding and encouraging and praying. It means more than you’ll ever know! And, if anyone has any connections to a book publisher, send them my way. I’m not sure why so many of you would want to read a book written by me, but that’s the most popular response I get: write a book. To be honest, I'm completely shocked by that. Me. Write a book?! Hmm... For tonight however, I promise not to be as long winded in this post. 😊

I saw this quote somewhere (probably Facebook if I had to guess) and it made me stop and think:

When I see quotes like this and feel the love that everyone gave me after my last post, it reminds me of the lyrics to an Amy Grant song titled "You're Not Alone":

"But you just can't lay down and die
You've got to remember
You're not alone in this world
Always remember
You're not alone in this world"

God is good and gracious and doesn't allow me (or anyone) to remain sad, wallow in what is or feel absolutely hopeless. He redeems. He saves. He brings joy inexplicable.

At times this past week, I’ve felt very steady on my feet. I’m cautiously optimistic that I am entering into/am already in a good walking phase. I know what it’s like to completely have no balance and not be able to take a step without feeling like I’m going to fall, so any good periods of stable steadiness on my feet, I’ll take! But then again, whether I’m in a good phase or not, things seem to change on a dime. I’m blessed though. My dad had a great line in his sermon on Sunday. He said that when bad things happen, God helps us through them, not from them. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it like that. Of course, God doesn’t cause bad things to happen to us, but because of sin He allows them. And since He allows them then He helps us through them. My dad reiterated that we tend to talk to God more when we are in trouble, when we are sick, and things aren’t going our way. When everything is great, our talks with God (prayers) are more sporadic. I find this (unfortunately) true in my own life. I am trying to consciously thank God for all the good He’s brought me in life and believe me there is abundant good in my life!

I do want God to keep working on me. I know that I am masterpiece in progress (As are you!). Whether walking comes easy or I struggle with every step, I know that God's Got This!

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