Thursday, January 7, 2021

Tune-In-Tuesday (but on a Thursday): January 7, 2021: Neurosurgery Update

I saw my neurosurgeon today - rather, I saw his Physician Assistant and we've set up a date to get the battery in my deep brain stimulation device changed out. January 25 is the day. I have to do pre-anesthesia testing on the January 13 and get a COVID test on January 22, but should all of that come back good, I'll get the battery replaced on January 25. Until then, I'll continue to use the walker to prevent any falls. I spoke with the PA about the pain I've been experiencing at the site of the battery and she said that she would make it a point to tell Dr. B. (my surgeon) about it. We're both pretty sure it stems from the initial placement of the battery. My neurosurgeon in Nashville said he placed it under a muscle so that it wouldn't protrude as much. So that may be why it aches when I exercise or lay on it.

I've been going through old pictures and papers of when I initially had the deep brain stimulation surgery and I came upon a curious thing. It was a note that my mom had written and it says that the battery will last 3-5 years. For some reason, I had thought it was 5-10 years and that my battery was just wearing out prematurely, but it always helps to go back to notes or documents that tell the truth. So my battery needing to be replaced around every 2.5 years I guess is normal. The last time I had it replaced was on August 16, 2018. So I'm right on schedule for a new one.

If you really know me, you know, I don't like surgery. So, I'm nervous. It's not a "big" surgery in the least bit. It's "routine" and pretty short as surgeries go, yet I still get nervous. Prayers are very much appreciated.

Thanks again for following along and reading.

I do know that in ALL things, God's Got This!