Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tune-In-Tuesday: November 19, 2019

It’s been a pretty good week, this past week. Walking comes and goes. I’m still mainly in a good walking phase, so I’m very thankful for that, but some days are better than others. 😉 I haven’t fallen, so that’s kind of where I gauge myself sometimes. However, I can tell I’m getting older. It’ll be twenty years on December 19 from when I had a really bad car accident that could have been fatal. My mom and I both suffered fractured pelvises in that accident. I’ve recently self-diagnosed (not recommended, I might add. Do as I say, not as I do.) myself with arthritis in that hip, or something to that effect. Weather effects it. I can tell when it’s about to rain or get cold by whether my hip hurts. Unfortunately for me, it’s my right hip. Which means it’s my “good” hip. The left side of my body is the side that’s effected by dystonia. All this to say, I know I’m not walking “correctly” which means I’m putting undue stress and/or weight on that right hip causing it to hurt more. But, there’s really nothing I can do about the situation except learn to walk correctly again. Such is life! And, just so no one worries, I “self-diagnosed” myself correctly. My internist confirmed it.

Last Thursday I had a bad nose bleed. 'Tis the season, right? Does anyone else get bloody noses this time of year? I usually don’t get worried or panicked about them, but I’d just had a conversation with my doctor brother about them and I couldn’t remember whether he said it was nose bleeds in adults or kids that are kind of worrisome, so I texted him. I know he probably hates when he gets medical questions from me, but I’m thankful he knows what he’s talking about. And just as I had suspected, it was nothing to worry about.

I got new shoes! For me, this is huge because once I find a pair of shoes that fit my feet and I feel comfortable walking around in, I’m a lifer with them. My mom picked these out and they’re “fun” shoes, not every day shoes. I’ve worn them twice now and each time I’m amazed that I can walk in them. I actually felt pretty in them and they made me happy. It’s the little things!

In Sunday School on Sunday we read in Mark 9 about the father who pleads with Jesus to heal his son. Jesus’ disciples were unable to heal the boy:

He (the father of the boy who is sick) says (to Jesus) “But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us. “’If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for the one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Mark 9: 22-24

It’s so easy sometimes for me to pray for miracles in other’s lives with faith as firm as anything, but when it comes to praying for a miracle in my life, I sometimes falter. I know God can and does perform miracles, but I’m constantly asking Him to help me overcome my unbelief. I don’t know – this lesson really hit home with me this week. I hope you’re able to get out of it what God wants you to get out of it too just by reading it here.

It's been a good week and I am thankful!
May your week be blessed and always remember – God’s Got This!

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