Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tune-In-Tuesday: Patience

It’s been a week since I turned up the electricity in my deep brain stimulation device and to tell you the truth, I haven’t felt any different. I didn’t fall (yay!!), but I haven’t seen any improvement to speak of either. Patience. God’s still trying to drill that into my head (and yes, I do get the irony of that statement!).

I’ve had some people comment that it looks like I’m limping. I don’t mind this at all, because the people who have commented don't know my backstory. After I told one of them, they completely turned their statement around to say, “then you are making major progress!!”. Haha. Well, you’d think, three years out that I would have made more progress, but then again – patience.

I trust that God knows what He is doing in my life. So, the fact that I’m still struggling must mean that He’s either still teaching me something or He’s going to use it for good or quite possibly, both! I’ve got to trust Him and His time-frame. For He has always been faithful to keep me in the palm of His hand.

I’ve come to the realization that even though I’ve said in the past that it doesn’t hurt me physically turning the electricity up or down, it does, somewhat. I’ve tested my theory. 😉 It doesn’t hurt in the way I thought it would though. I thought maybe I’d feel a shock or something, but it’s a dull ache or a pulling in my left shoulder/chest area. It does go away a day or two after I adjust it, but it’s there.

I’ll decide in another week if I should go up further with the electricity, stay where I’m at or go down. I must say a “thank you” to all of you who have helped me with lending an arm to lean on or encouragement or other acts of kindness. I may not mention every name in this blog but do know that I am eternally grateful and that YOU are an answer to prayer. Even if I’m embarrassed or want to “do it on my own”, I do appreciate your willingness to help. I’m probably making this way harder on myself by not giving in and using a cane but thank you for humoring me and offering help when you think I need it.

Oh – I almost forgot – I got a haircut. Yes, that must be documented – haha. I got three inches cut off and now I’m ready for summer!!

God is always good. God is always faithful. GOD’S GOT THIS!!!

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