Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tune-In-Tuesday: December 10, 2019

Unfortunately, I struggled with walking last week. I guess it was "time" as I had been experiencing some great weeks, but it still (literally) stops me in my tracks, when all the sudden, I start having major difficulty. I say it wasn't a very good week with walking, but I do have to say I didn't fall. Oops. Scratch that. As I was typing that sentence, I remembered I did fall once (in front of my mom!) at my parent's house on Sunday, but I'm blaming that on a rug - ha! I'm not really classifying that as a fall either, since I didn't hurt myself at all and I caught myself with the wall. I was more concerned about damaging any Christmas decorations then I was about anything else and thankfully none were!

So, it's been a rough week walking, but I'm still counting my blessings for I know many of my friends are going through things much worse than me having difficulty walking. I have to share what happened last night. I really, really needed to go Christmas shopping because the weekends seem to get away from me and it's getting closer to Christmas. I am ALL about shopping online but I needed to go to a physical store just to see what was out there and get ideas. So anyway, last night was my opportunity. Of course my opportunity comes on a really hard walking day. So I prayed. I prayed that there would be a cart next to a parking space that I could grab a hold of. It's not always a given that there will be a cart next to a parking spot at the particular store that I went to. I told a co-worker that I would take it as a sign I was supposed to shop if there was a cart because if there wasn't one, I would just drive home. I wasn't even going to try to walk in without one. I pull into the store's parking lot and there wasn't just one cart, but two and both at a handicap spot! Why am I SO SURPRISED?! God answered my prayer. He does this time and time again and yet I still get so surprised and so over-joyed every time. It's a small thing to most, but it's a huge thing to me. I was having a hard time on Sunday as well. There was a friend waiting to help me. That's another blessing from God. I have SO MUCH to be thankful for that even with a not-so-great week of walking, I can't help but thank the Lord for all the blessings He bestows upon me.

The above picture was actually on a desk calendar I have at work and it was so appropriate for this update that I had to share!

I hope everyone is having a blessed Christmas season. Always remember, God's Got This!

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