Saturday, August 8, 2015

Back to Vanderbilt

I have a testing date! August 18 I'll be heading back to Vanderbilt. I have two appointments set up. I will see a Neuropsychologist at 8am and that appointment will last 3 to 3 and 1/2 hours. Then at 1pm I have a motor skills test that will last 2 hours. I'm glad that I'm being sent information on both appointments because I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I was told that I need to bring someone along with me and I am very thankful and grateful that Mom is going with me. I'll admit, I'm anxious about these appointments, but I know nothing will happen that God hasn't already ordained. Patricia (my patient coordinator) told me that my case will be reviewed and discussed when all the neurologists meet on September 4 and that either Dr. T. or she would call me to let me know the results.

I am so, so thankful that things are moving forward. I am realistic though and am trying not to get my hopes up for anything. These tests that I'm having may reveal that I'm not a candidate for deep brain stimulation. Or, I could have the surgery and still not see any results. I am so glad that God's got control of all of this and I need only to follow His direction. I am very aware that there are others out there in worse shape then me and I have to prepare myself for the news that I'm not a candidate for DBS. But, one day at a time, right?

I got a piece of mail from Vanderbilt this week that made me laugh. Back in 2008/2009, I had shunt surgery at the children's hospital because my neurosurgeon was a pediatric neurosurgeon who also performed surgery on adults. I still get mail from them telling me about hydrocephalus walks and the like. (At that time, that's what they thought I had: hydrocephalus) but I've never gotten a piece of mail addressed to my parents (or in this case parent.), but sent to my address.:

It gave me a good laugh!

I'll close by saying that, yes, I am anxious about what's to come or not to come, but I know it will all work out for God's glory. God's teaching me so much through this journey. My hope and wish is that I will glorify God with each step I take. I fail at this every day, but that's where His grace comes in and I am so very, very thankful for that!

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