Sunday, April 13, 2014

The most important week of the year

Holy Week - I have always, always loved this week. Since I can remember, it's been my most favorite week - even when I didn't really know why. It was a time I got to go to church 4 times Sunday to Sunday for worship services and sometimes (OK - most times!) more than that. But not only is this my most favorite week, it is THE most important week of the entire year. Starting on Palm Sunday we remember and celebrate why Jesus came to earth. For those that don't know what happens this week or why we celebrate you are missing out on the biggest celebration of all time. Nothing in this life - nothing - compares to what Jesus did for you and me this week. It's miraculous, selfless, mysterious and all around the greatest thing to ever happen to you and me - Jesus was betrayed, suffered, bled and died for our sins and on the third day rose from the dead defeating death and the devil and giving those who believe in Him eternal life. Hallelujah! Blessed be the Name of The Lord!

It all starts with Palm Sunday when Jesus was triumphantly ushered into Jersusalem. How very ironic that just a few days later those who were shouting "Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed be the name of The Lord" would be shouting "Crucify Him". Kind of reminds me of my own life. One day I'm praising the name of Jesus and the next, well, I'm very far from praising Him. 

Maundy Thursday is when we celebrate the Last Supper. What strikes me about this day is that Jesus broke bread with his betrayer. Wow. That just blows my mind. He loved Judas, but Judas rejected Him and that's when God rejected Judas. Jesus loved all the other disciples as well and all would abandon him within just a few hours of dining with Him. Oh how this is also like me! I see myself in the disciples. It's scary and glorious all in the same breath. Scary that I can be so callous, so deceiving, so mean and hateful and yet so glorious because the King of Kings died for ME - scars and all!! We also remember on Maundy Thursday, Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Here's what I love about this: Jesus prayed to have this task taken from Him. He was totally human. He did not want to suffer and die. But He did it for me and He did it for you. Amazing and mind blowing - the most selfless act anyone will ever do for us - ever!!

Good Friday we celebrate the death of Jesus. That sentence just seems SO WRONG to type. Death is nothing to celebrate. We mourn death. We cry. We are sad. Why then is this day called Good Friday?! Because of what was to come. So on this day we remember the suffering and the pain Jesus went through. Nothing compares to the love Jesus poured out for me and for you on Good Friday. We remember why He bled and died and we look forward to Sunday.

Easter Sunday is what life is all about. Jesus did not stay dead. Where there is weeping and mourning on Friday, the dawn of Easter Sunday brings rejoicing that can't be described in words. Jesus defeated death, the devil and sin and He ROSE from the dead!!!! There is nothing more miraculous than that - absolutely nothing! Jesus is alive and because he bled and died and rose again, if we believe in Him, we also have eternal life!

May you celebrate this week, with the reminder that Jesus was betrayed, bled and died and then ROSE again for you and for me. There is no greater love!!

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