Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tune-In-Tuesday (but on a Wednesday): March 18, 2020

First, I'm sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I worked all day (which is not unlike every Tuesday (or Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday) - ha!) but the difference was that I worked from home and as silly as this sounds, my laptop was in the same place I usually blog from and I just didn't feel like sitting down anymore and writing - so - I'm blogging today. Why I feel like ya'll have to know that information, I don't know - ha!

Anyway, how are all ya'll doing being quarantined? Or are you even quarantined? Maybe I have to be quarantined so that I learn to spell quarantine. Literally for all 4 times that I typed quarantined (now 5) I've spelled it "quarentine". That's embarrassing, but true. 😉

I did do a live Facebook video yesterday (maybe that made up for not writing a blog!). It was fun, however I'm sure those that tuned in got bored because I didn't know what to talk about. Imagine that - me - who loves to write and spill my guts - couldn't come up with stuff to talk about. Haha. I'm not going to lie though, it was fun. Maybe I'll do it again. Send me topics to talk on though. 😉

I've always thought of myself as an introvert. I am an introvert - no doubt about it. However, in times like these, I'm not so introverted. I need human contact. I go stir-crazy. My personality is somewhat like this: If you tell me I can't do something, I try to prove you wrong. It's like a challenge for me. I don't even know what personality that would be defined as. But what I'm saying is that now that I know I'm not supposed to go anywhere, I have to go to all the places!! What gives?! And just to be clear - I'm not quarantined (again, I misspelled it and had to correct it!) because I have the Coronavirus. I'm quarantined because my work has told all of us that we are to work from home through (at least) March 27. And then we're hearing on TV to not go out unless necessary, so anyway - that's why I'm quarantined. I really, really think quarantined should be spelled quarentined. What is up with me and not being able to spell that word?!?! I might take a drive later to Cades Cove or something, (maybe just my neighborhood!) just to get out of the house, but still be quarantined (to my car). We're all in this together, just quarantined from each other. How backward is that?!

As for dystonia stuff: it's been a so-so week. After updating last week that I hadn't fallen any, I fell on Wednesday. Yep, the day after I updated. Right there in church. I think only one person saw me (I HOPE at least only one person saw me), but I of course bloodied my knee. Interestingly enough, I was wearing pantyhose (don't judge, I wear them to cover up my flour white legs and also to keep warm in the office. It's crazy, but just that little sheath blocks out the cold in the office!) and for the first time EVER, I didn't get a hole or rip in them at all. How does that even happen?!! They were only bloody. That explains why I couldn't keep Band-Aids on my leg though - haha. Yes, I put them over the pantyhose and they wouldn't stick. I'll admit, I was preoccupied and worried about the band-aids coming off during church. They did come off several times and I reapplied them. We had Communion and I was so worried they would come off as I walked up to Communion or when I had to kneel. I didn't want to get the kneeling cushions bloody! It's kind of funny (not really) how Satan distracts us. I prayed though and guess what?! They didn't fall off and I got nothing bloody!! However, after church was over, I noticed that at some point after Communion, they had fallen off. I looked everywhere in the pew for them and couldn't find them. I gave up. It wasn't until just a couple of days ago that I found them. Stuck to the bottom of the shoes I was wearing that night - phew! No one had to find my bloody band-aids and dispose of them. Thank you, Jesus.

I had a bloody nose at the beginning of the month. I don't think that has to do with anything related to dystonia, but I will say, I've never had more bloody noses then I do now after brain surgery. Is that a thing? Probably not and I'm probably going into hypochondria by overthinking things like that. On a side note: how was I able to spell hypochondria correctly the very first time and I still can't spell quarantine correctly after like 13 times?!

So yeah, needless to say, I've been having issues. I finally decided to see what level of electricity I was on (because, I literally forgot and don't remember the last time I fooled with the electricity.) I thought I was on 3.2 volts, but good thing I checked because I was actually on only 3.0 volts. So last Thursday (March 12 - for my record keeping 😉) I took the electricity up to 3.2. And today, I'm thinking about taking it back down again to 3.0. I haven't yet, but I'm contemplating it. Walking hasn't gotten better and even though I haven't given it two weeks (which is the length my neurologist said to give any level to see if it works, unless it's just too much to bear), I'm thinking of going back down. My foot doesn't lay flat on the floor (acting like it's got too much electricity). So...we'll see. It's a guessing game with this condition and with the electricity. I'm glad I have options, but sometimes it's frustrating.

Maybe God's quarantining me so I'll start writing a book?! People keep telling me I should. Maybe I will. Not that I can write a whole book in a week or even a month. But maybe I'll start on it. I've kind of written a book here in just this blog post, haven't I?! When I want to write, the words just flow. When I'm forced to write, they come slower. I guess that's what it's like for everyone, right? Or am I the only one that feels this way?

OK, I'll close now. I hope everyone stays well and keeps their sanity in this insane environment we are currently living in. And as always, remember: GOD'S GOT THIS!!!

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