Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tune-In-Tuesday: July 24, 2018

Wow! Thank you for reading last week's post. There were a ton of you. Thank you also for the comments and encouragement and advice. If you read last's week post, then you'll know I was waiting to get an appointment to see a neurosurgeon so that I can get the battery to my deep brain stimulation device changed. I got a date to see a physician's assistant at the neurosurgeon's office. It's a week from today, July 31 at 3:30pm. Because of the forms they sent me, I'm pretty sure it's just an initial "get to know you" appointment. I don't know anything more than that. :)

I had a great week last week. I had a dentist appointment - no cavities. :) I got to watch my niece, Hope for a little while on Thursday night and had a blast with her. She's only two, but she talks constantly - haha!! I love her and her personality. My maternal grandmother turned 92 on Saturday and we celebrated. God sent angels again to help me into church on Sunday. Satan tries to sabotage me on Sundays. I can be walking perfectly fine, but once I hit that church parking lot, I lose confidence. But God's there to fend Satan off and to help me get safely into church.

I didn't have yoga tonight because my instructor isn't feeling well, but yoga at home and my push-ups are going well - ha! I still have no idea why I wanted to learn how to do push-ups, but here I am learning to do them. I saw this on Facebook and thought it appropriate:

Slow progress IS progress!! I see it in a lot of areas in my life. It's very, very slow, but it is progress.

I hope that by documenting what's going on in my life on this blog that I can be of help to someone else. I'm definitely not the authority on a lot of topics, but I do love rambling on about what's going on in my life. It's my prayer that you can glean something from my ramblings. ;)

I do know that there are people out there (maybe even you) that suffer way more than I could ever possibly imagine. It almost makes me think keeping a blog about walking irrelevant. I feel silly and foolish for going on and on about my troubles walking when people are fighting just to stay alive. I found this next quote on Facebook as well and it again struck a cord with me:

I'll end this entry as I started it, by thanking you again for reading and for encouraging me. Ya'll are blessings from God. Always, always remember that God's Got This!!

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