Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tune-In-Tuesday: March 20, 2018

Happy first day of spring – yay! Although, if you live in East Tennessee like I do, winter is expected to rear its ugly head again tonight and tomorrow. Oh, well, this too shall pass – ha!

Speaking of spring, I’ve had a little extra spring in my step this past week because I was on VACATION at the BEACH!!!! We went to Inlet Beach, FL. It's in the panhandle near Rosemary Beach and about 40 minutes from Destin.

The beach truly is my happy place and I haven’t been in a few years.

It’s just what the doctor ordered (so to speak, no doctor actually ordered it - ha!). I’ve never been to the beach “off-season”. It was chilly, but it was still the beach with sand, sea and sun. Sometimes we just need to be “unplugged” to get charged again, right?

As I’ve mentioned on this blog before, I can walk free and easy on sand. Don’t ask me why. I can’t explain it. The doctors can’t explain it. It’s just me being uniquely me. I tried running on the sand and ended up falling, so maybe I can’t do that, or maybe it was a fluke, but after that I stuck to walking. :) The difference in my walking this time on sand was I could also walk on the hard sand with ease. The last time I was at the beach, that proved hard to do. This time, it was no sweat!

Every day, my dad and I took a walk on the beach. It was soul refreshing. I love the beach. I love walking. It was a good week. I didn’t work out or do yoga, I just walked and it was fabulous. I must admit though that I realized how slow I am when I walk on solid ground. Each day, Dad would be the last off the beach because he was carrying two huge lounge chairs. But no matter what, I was the last to arrive back at our rental. He was just faster, even with things to weigh him down. It’s OK though, because I’m still walking without a walker or a cane. I don’t mind being slow. OK, that’s not entirely true, but the point is, I still get from A to B without a walker or cane. ;)

While at the beach, I brought several books to read. What made me laugh was when I realized that every single one of them had a medical slant to them in some way. I guess my love for medicine goes beyond just watching medical shows; it now extends to reading. I'm currently reading "Last Night in the OR" by Dr. Bud Shaw. But I also have, "Ghost Boy" by Martin Pistorius, "Trauma Room Two" by Philip Allen Green, MD and "Do No Harm" by Henry Marsh. See, I wasn't kidding! All these books have me thinking again about writing my own book. ;) Would anyone buy it and read it though? I'm not all that eloquent (as you can tell if you've been following along for any length of time). It would be a huge leap of faith on my part. We'll see. I agonize over what to put in these posts every week and these are just posts! I try to be funny sometimes, but other times, the creative writing juices just don't flow like I want them to. I’m a perfectionist, so I want everything to be perfect, of course! I'll just have to pray about it and see where the Lord leads.

Tonight, I had yoga and it was wonderful. I was pushed hard again and I loved it. I didn’t think I’d love yoga this much, but I really, really do!

I think that’s all I've got for this week. It's been a very relaxing, soul-rejuvenating one for me. I'm so very thankful that spring is here and the sun is out longer! I hope everyone reading this has a very blessed week ahead and always remember…God’s Got This!

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