Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tune-In-Tuesday: April 2, 2019

It’s been a tough week walking-wise, but I survived – praise Jesus! As I walked into work this morning, a co-worker asked how I was doing. My response was, “I made it in without falling!” And that’s truly how I feel. I want to do a happy dance that I make it to my destinations without falling, although doing a happy dance would probably make me fall – haha! πŸ˜‰ Sometimes it’s the little victories in life that make life all that sweeter.

You may be asking (or you may not be, just humor me) why I’m not fooling with the electricity settings in my deep brain stimulation system since my walking has been so bad recently. I do have my reasons (even if one of them is that I’m lazy and I just don’t want to fool with it!). The main reason is that I KNOW that this is a good setting for me. I’ve had excellent days on it in the past. I’m leery of messing with it because it takes at least 2 weeks to get the full effect of the change. I know that no setting will be “perfect”, and I have to take the bad with the good and the good with the bad. I also know why I’ve been so stressed lately (I’ll share more on that in an upcoming post) and stress does a number on my walking. IF I can physically get myself to calm down, I can walk a lot better than I have been, however that IF is a huge IF and most of the time doesn’t happen when I want/need it to. But, I’m learning that it is what it is. I’ll have good days and bad.

I fell on Saturday, but I’m convinced it wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the darn wind! It was extremely windy, and I was walking out of the Christian Book Store. I went to open the door and the wind was so intense that at first, I had a hard time opening the door, but then all the sudden a gust of wind came and blew the door completely open. It startled me so bad, that I lost my balance and fell on my knees. I was convinced that they would be all bloody, because I fell hard. However, when I got to the car, they weren’t bloody at all! But, if they had been bloody, I had just bought Band-Aids, so I was all set!!! I thought I was past the worst of it, but they ached so much during the night that it woke me up. And no, I didn’t ice them because I was half asleep and didn’t think about that until the next morning. πŸ˜‰ But, they are getting better every day.

God’s got everything planned out. For the 3rd week in a row, I’ve been getting to church at the same time that my friend, Whitney’s been getting there. We don’t text or call each other – it’s just happens and that’s a God thing! She’s been helping me. Let me say, I can walk into places without help from others. I do it at work and running errands. However, when there is a friend or family member available and I’m not walking as well as I’d like, I do ask for help. God provides!

This past week wasn’t all bad though. In fact, it had some spectacular moments and memory making events. One of those events was celebrating my niece’s 3rd birthday (a little early as it’s not until April 11, but this was the only time we could all be together; just missing my brother Steven!). To see life through the eyes of (an almost) 3-year-old as well as an almost 5-year-old (her cousin) is magical. Having a baby niece as well is so much fun. I held her until she realized I wasn’t her mom – haha.

My dad took me to lunch today and I have to say it was the highlight of my day. To spend one-on-one time with him is priceless. I am blessed to have both a dad and a mom who love me for me and encourage me. Really every member of my family is like that and so are my friends.

This quote was taken from a desktop calendar my grandmother gave me for Christmas and it really made me stop and think:

So, if I was designed to have problems walking at this stage in life for the purposes of God, then so be it. I don't necessarily like it, but if God's using this detail of my life to help someone else see Him, then it's worth it.

Today's calendar entry was just as good:

Yes, I'm wonderfully made - scraped knees and all. You're wonderfully made. God doesn't make mistakes. And in every detail of my life (and yours): God's Got This!

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