Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tune-In-Tuesday: July 31, 2018

Hi all! Thanks for stopping by and reading this post! I’ll start right off the bat by saying I’ve had an amazing week filled with great walking days. My personality lends itself to being more pessimistic that optimistic, however, God has not allowed me to worry about the battery in my deep brain stimulation device going dead before I get a new one. I just keep praying that it doesn’t die and God keeps answering that prayer!

Last Wednesday night, I parked farther away from the entrance to church than I normally do and I did it on purpose! I didn’t fall walking in or out of church. I felt FREE!!!! I didn’t have to use a cart to get into the grocery store, rather I walked in just using my own two legs and feet. Saturday, I took full advantage of my wonderful walking and I went shopping and errand running. Walking felt so good and natural and I savored every moment of it. I have seen God in so many ways this past week and I’m in awe of how He works.

But there are the days when walking doesn’t come easy and I have I had a few of those. Mainly, it’s just moments in days where I find walking to be difficult. I still battle with the church parking lot. Wednesday was great, Sunday morning was more of a struggle.

Yesterday, I had a bit more trouble walking than I have been recently. I nearly fell twice (once walking into work and once at home), but by God’s graciousness, I could right myself and gain control before I fell. Today was even more of a struggle to walk, but God does allow me to see extraneous circumstances that could be affecting my ability to walk (stress, the weather). So, yes there is still a struggle, but at the end of the day and week, I can still say I didn’t fall once, so it’s a win for walking!!

Ironically enough, I remember telling my neurologist in one of the first appointments I had with him after the DBS, that just a soon as we got the walking: electricity ratio figured out, it would be time to replace the battery and what do you know, but in the weeks before he told me it was time to get it switched out, I started walking OK. 😊

I had an appointment with a nurse practitioner at the neurosurgeon’s office today. I have surgery scheduled for August 17 at noon. At least for now. The nurse said she would confirm with me tomorrow. She’s got to maneuver some things around to fit me in, but she wants to get me in ASAP before the battery dies. I feel bad for inconveniencing others, but thankful that the doctors and nurses see the urgency to get this done ASAP. I do NOT want the battery to die. It’s not a big surgery at all, but I’m still nervous about it. I was again told that most patients having this procedure done are Parkinson’s patients in their 80’s and because of that they usually put those patients in a “twilight” sedation. But because I’m “young” (ha!), they will put me under general anesthesia. I really don’t like that necessarily. I have a fear of not waking up from it. I know it’s irrational, but it’s there nonetheless. But, we’ll see. Maybe they’ll end up doing twilight sedation. The “surgery” (I put that in quotes because I think of anything with general anesthesia as surgery, yet, I think the whole procedure lasts just a few minutes) is same day and once I recover from the anesthesia, I can go home with no restrictions. I don’t even have to go back to get the stitches removed as they will be internal. I guess I should get used to this, as it’ll be my life for as long as I live and as long as the battery needs changing. 😉

This was me at the appointment today, trying to pass the time away while I waited and waited and waited....

I’ve recently been thinking that I put my trust in doctors/nurses/surgeons, whom I barely know, to do their job and wake me up after surgeries. Why then do I constantly fail to trust God, whom I know only has my best interests in mind, that everything will work out the way He deems fit? I saw this quote on Facebook and it’s the same analogy just using puzzle pieces:

On another note, I recently used the quote, "Strive for progress, not perfection." Well, my friend, Kristen, who owns a gift shop, got the following wall art in and I just had to buy it. I decided to put it above my bathroom mirror, to remind myself of it daily. Haha- now that I'm looking at this picture, it's driving me nuts because it looks like the plaque is crooked! It may be, but when I put it up, I did use a leveler, so it was, at some point, level. And yes, that is an "ER" iPhone cover, in case you were wondering. 😉

For those that have been following along with these posts, I am still on target with my Bible reading (to read the entire Old Testament in a year, but only having started it at the beginning of July!) and with learning to do push-ups. I had yoga tonight and after confessing to my instructor that I've had a tough week having the motivation to do it, I somehow impressed her with my planks and other poses. I do have a fire down in my bones that arises when need be!

God is so good and I'm thankful to be able to see that. Always remember that, God's Got This!

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