Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Tune-In-Tuesday: August 1, 2023

Physical therapy is still going well. I had another session (because of a cancellation) this past Thursday. When I told my physical therapist I loved the stretches/exercises she gave me to do at home, she laughed and said no one ever says that they love their "homework"! I love it because I feel the stretches and "exercises" working. Yeah, I don't always love making the time to do them, but after I've done them, I feel like I've done something to help my body. Hopefully, I'll continue to like them - ha! My next PT appointment is this Friday.

I also started working out again at home. I ride a recumbent stationary bike. I hadn't worked out since November 28, 2022 (I keep a record, that's how I knew the date). I was extremely busy the month of December with Christmas things (as most people are!) and helping to take care of my mom. Then, after my mom died, grief took over and working out was the last thing I wanted to do. But Saturday I woke up and had the urge to work out, so I did! It had been 8 months and 1 day since my last work out.  I've kept it up - working out every day (and yes, I realize it's only Tuesday!) and it's been really, really good. Hopefully, I'll continue to keep it up. :)

Look at what I got in the mail the other day! My godmother found these and sent them to me. They are just perfect! I haven't seen anything with "God's Got This" on it. I customized a shirt once with the slogan on it but haven't seen anything else. They definitely brought a smile to my face and will be used! The first one is a file folder (if you can't tell). Thank you, Aunt Kim! 

That's it for this update! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Always remember...God's Got This!